「 Property investment 」 一覧
Civil law amendment in 120 years! How does the new law affect rental in real estate?
2020/04/11 -Real Estate Investment
Investment Tips, Japanese real estate, Property investment, Real estate InvestmentCivil law in Japan was amended for the first time in 120 years and the new regulations have come to effect on April 1st 2020 (with exclusion). New regulations apply to all lease agreements ‘’signed’’ after the effective date. Keep in mind that ‘’signing date’’ and ‘’starting date’’ of a lease is different. Even if your lease starts after April 1st, if you sign your name on March 31st, the new regulations do not apply Let’s look at the changes that the amendments made in the rental market! Below are the most frequent asked questions. Will there be more or …
Problem Prevention & Profit Boosting Management Techniques – Organizing Bicycle-Parking
Is the Bicycle-Parking in Everyone’s Property Organized? Bicycle-parking is often located in the front of the apartment near the entrance. Abandoned bicycles can affect the image of the property in a negative way. Moreover, disorganized bicycles fall easily and can cause damage to bicycles nearby leading to neighbor disputes. Problem Prevention and Profit from Parking Fee There are two benefits in organizing bicycle parking – one is to prevent neighbor disputes. In case bicycles fall and damage nearby bicycles, not only does this lead to arguments between tenants, owner and property management company are also at fault as the responsibility to maintain …